The PROXIMA model is named after the closest star to the solar system – Proxima Centauri. And as the star shines on the skies, also the PROXIMA tractors shine among our customers, being one of the most popular and best-selling models.
Can you recognize ZETOR tractors even blindfold? Meet the FORTERRA HD 150 customized by enthusiasts from Denmark for the Tractor Pulling Show. A team called Polar Herkules conquers one challenge after another with the tractor and even though not exactly environmentally-friendly, it is an exciting spectacle, see for yourself (click on image):
ZETOR conquers the world of music! A song by the Czech band Visací zámek called The Tractor has become notoriously known in Czechia, but the brand has its followers also in Skandinavia, where a band called Too Far Gone released an album called Zetor’n. You can listen to the opening song of the album about the ZETOR tractor’s unfailing performance here (click on image):
ZETOR GALLERY celebrates its 5th birthday this year; it was inaugurated on 13 June, 2013. Have you already visited this unconventional space where the history of ZETOR tractors meets with the present and the future? To view the video, click on the image:
Welcome to the latest selection of things that might interest you from the world of ZETOR. Have you ever found a tractor in a…
Welcome to the latest selection of things that might interest you from the world of ZETOR. Have you been to the new exhibition of…
Welcome to the latest news from the world of ZETOR. Would you like to know more about the new ZETOR MAJOR design? Are you looking…