ZETOR world

Original tuning for UTILIX CL 55

Original tuning for UTILIX CL 55

Mr Miroslav Adamička and his son Dominik run the company Mostroj s.r.o. It is a locksmith services business employing 20 people. The 21st member of staff is ZETOR UTILIX CL 55. In the winter, it removes snow in the premises of the company, in the summer it is used to maintain Mr Adamička’s lands that are located around the town of Ladce, Ilava county, Slovakia. Apart from other things, the town is famous for its pilgrimage site called Skalné sanktuárium Božieho Milosrdenstva on the Butkov hill. Below the hill, there is a meadow which was the shooting site of the photos of UTILIX.


Mr Adamička purchased the tractor from the dealer Jozef Bakoš – Zetor Servis in late 2020 and he is very much satisfied with the dealing services. He used the option to have the tractor equipped with front Zuidberg three-point hitch. He does not appreciate solely the sales and aftersales services of Mr Bakoš; he likes the tractor as well. Yet, he felt there was still something missing. Because he is an experienced locksmith, he decided to use an aluminium plate to tune the tractor a bit. You can see his original tuning in the photo gallery. Adding a motive of the Canadian flag was just the icing on the cake recalling his friend who lives in Edmonton, Canada. With these adjustments, the tractor looks just as it should to Mr Adamička.


ZETOR UTILIX CL is a multi-purpose tractor suitable mainly for road maintenance, horticulture and small farms. It has excellent manoeuvrability with small turning radius. The four-pot liquid-cooled diesel engine with the power of 55 hp meets the latest emission standards Stage V. The tractor has synchronized gearbox with 16 forward and 16 reverse gears with a mechanical reverser. The lifting capacity of the three-point hitch is 15 kN. Spacy cabin offers good ergonomics of easily accessible controls. Comfortable seat and air-conditioning in standard increase the comfort of the operator.

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